Summer 2024 Reading Recommendations

on July 17, 2024

Get out your wallet! It’s time for Summer Reading Recommendations with New York Times bestseller Jayne Ann Krentz, bookseller and reviewer John Charles, and Christina Dodd. You can watch on Jayne’s Facebook page, and here are the URLs for your book buying pleasure. Jayne’s recommendations Play the Fool by Lena Chern Solving a murder while… Read More

Spring Book Recommendations

on March 22, 2024

It’s Spring, and time for your book recommendations from John Charles, Poisoned Pen bookseller and reviewer, Jayne Ann Krentz, New York Times bestselling author, and me (I’ve written few books, too. 😁 ) You can watch the interview and hear all about the current and coming trends (think horror/mystery mash-up, think cozy mysteries updated and… Read More

Christina Dodd Writing Tips: How much sex in a romantic suspense?

on March 12, 2024

“I hated this book because it is all about sex, sex, sex. The story gets lost in the descriptive sex pages which are numerous.”—Christina Dodd’s favorite 1 star Amazon review ever (for SCENT OF DARKNESS) I know what you’re thinking; did Christina pay someone to write a review using the word “sex” four times? No,… Read More

A very special dedication for POINT LAST SEEN

on July 22, 2022

In writing POINT LAST SEEN, I returned to my roots. This is the dedication… “To my mother, Virginia Dodd, who read to me, listened to me, laughed at my corny jokes and believed I could do whatever I set my mind to. I miss our travels together, the sound of your voice, your gentle hands, your… Read More

Christina Dodd Yells HEY! UNTO YOU A CHILD IS BORN!

on November 25, 2021

THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER begins, “The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world. They lied and stole and smoked cigars (even the girls) and talked dirty and hit little kids and cussed their teachers and took the name of the Lord in vain and set fire to Fred Shoemaker’s… Read More


on May 20, 2016

The best writing advice I give is very succinct. Put your butt into the chair and write. There’s no substitute for experience. But since I’m seldom without something to say (ask my husband), I wrote up a random series of: CHRISTINA DODD’S WRITING TIPS About Characters: Plot is important. Characters are more important. Readers must… Read More

Christina Dodd and the Infamous Three-Armed Cover

on July 22, 2014

  ON THE OTHER HAND … Every writer faces a moment in her career when she realizes that a good part of success has nothing to do with writing skill or career planning, and everything to do with pure, dumb luck. For me, that moment arrived at a conference in St. Louis in 1993 when… Read More

Christina Dodd Tells You THE BEST WAY TO WRITE A BOOK

on June 4, 2014

Writers and readers often ask me my method of writing a book. And I always say with great assurance, “It depends.” You’d think I know the best way to write. I’ve completed sixty-three full-length books — that includes the two that I wrote that weren’t published,  my newest suspense thriller, EVERY SINGLE SECRET and the next… Read More

Christina Dodd Answers The Question, “Where Do You Get Your Ideas?”

on February 20, 2013

The most frequently asked question from my dedicated readers is — Where do you get your ideas? I have published fifty-seven full-length novels: historical, suspense, and paranormal and, (let me be precise about this) a lot of short stories and novellas. So obviously, ideas are out there and I find them. To explain the process, let’s start… Read More