
Summer 2024 Reading Recommendations

on July 17, 2024

Get out your wallet! It’s time for Summer Reading Recommendations with New York Times bestseller Jayne Ann Krentz, bookseller and reviewer John Charles, and Christina Dodd. You can watch on Jayne’s Facebook page, and here are the URLs for your book buying pleasure. Jayne’s recommendations Play the Fool by Lena Chern Solving a murder while… Read More

A very special dedication for POINT LAST SEEN

on July 22, 2022

In writing POINT LAST SEEN, I returned to my roots. This is the dedication… “To my mother, Virginia Dodd, who read to me, listened to me, laughed at my corny jokes and believed I could do whatever I set my mind to. I miss our travels together, the sound of your voice, your gentle hands, your… Read More

Christina Dodd Discusses KICK-ASS HEROINES

on March 5, 2021

I’m here to kick ass and take names…and I broke my pencil.—Motto of all ass-kicking heroines Women love an ass-kicking heroine. Our favorite heroine faces off with vicious villains, brings justice to the oppressed, and on the side deals with the difficult life situations like pre-pubescent daughters and overflowing toilets. She’s you and me…on a… Read More

How Many Of My Characters Have Traits Or Personalities Of Real People I Know

on January 12, 2021

On Facebook, a question was posed to me: How many of your characters have traits or personalities of “real” people you know? Let me take the long way around to answer that question. Often at autographings, after I’ve thanked a reader for coming to the bookstore to meet me, shaken her hand, signed her books,… Read More

The Loss of a Hero

on June 6, 2020

On June 5 at 4am, my 96-year-old father-in-law died of natural causes. What to tell you about Tom? He was eccentric, funny, opinionated (but that was okay because we usually agreed), outspoken and intelligent. He didn’t suffer fools gladly. Because he grew up in a small Idaho mountain town during the Great Depression, he was… Read More


on October 14, 2015

Do you want to write a book? Then you need to know the one, really important (and guilty) secret that will help you get published. Brace yourself. Here it comes … You need to read. A lot. I was appalled when I read this statistic: Stat: Eighty percent of Americans want to write a book, but… Read More

Christina Dodd on Friends, Enemies and Writing

on November 20, 2014

I was once asked to write a chapter for HOW TO WRITE A ROMANCE, the book Romance Writers of America published in conjunction with Writer’s Digest. As a subject for me, they suggested Selling A Book Can Change Your Life. I burst into laughter. I called my published friends. I read them the subject. Each… Read More