writing sex

Christina Dodd confesses THE 10 REASONS AUTHORS ARE WEIRD

on February 27, 2016

We talk to our computers, our dogs, our cats and our fictional characters. We’re not so good with real people.  The opportunity to use funny-sounding words thrills us. Words like akimbo, catawampus, gobsmacked. When someone says something witty or wise, we remember and someday it will reappear in a manuscript. Authors collect names: people names,… Read More

Christina Dodd Tells You THE BEST WAY TO WRITE A BOOK

on June 4, 2014

Writers and readers often ask me my method of writing a book. And I always say with great assurance, “It depends.” You’d think I know the best way to write. I’ve completed sixty-three full-length books — that includes the two that I wrote that weren’t published,  my newest suspense thriller, EVERY SINGLE SECRET and the next… Read More

Christina Dodd Discusses The Nuts And Bolts Of Writing Sex

on June 8, 2012

THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF WRITING SEX. Heh, heh. See?  You already know the first difficulty in writing a sex scene. When you’re writing sex, the chances that you’re going to say something inadvertently funny are huge. Every time I write a sentence like, He slid his woody into her hoo-haw, I realize a lot… Read More