Witty and Romantic

Christina Dodd confesses THE 10 REASONS AUTHORS ARE WEIRD

on February 27, 2016

We talk to our computers, our dogs, our cats and our fictional characters. We’re not so good with real people.  The opportunity to use funny-sounding words thrills us. Words like akimbo, catawampus, gobsmacked. When someone says something witty or wise, we remember and someday it will reappear in a manuscript. Authors collect names: people names,… Read More

Christina Dodd Talks About HER FUNNIEST MISTAKES

on February 8, 2016

February 2, 2024 is the thirty-fourth anniversary of the day I got The Call that my first book had been purchased by a very astute editor. The time was 3:30 pm, not that I noticed. (I’m kidding. I definitely noticed.) On March 7, 2023, my 60th full-length suspense, EVERY SINGLE SECRET, will be published in… Read More