Did you know audio books are the fastest growing sector of book sales? It’s true! Many people christina-dodd_biwaudiorittercommute to work, garden, ride bikes, knit, and everybody has to do housework. I’ve even heard that some people iron! (I’m sure that’s just a wild rumor. 😉 ) Listening to an audio book makes the time fly, so I’m thrilled to announce that BECAUSE I’M WATCHING is out in audio! Get it at Amazon or Audible. Never listened to audio books before? Everyone can listen to or download the first chapter here on my website, then get BECAUSE I’M WATCHING in audio free with an Audible trial membership!

Of course, you can also buy BECAUSE I’M WATCHING in hardcover from Amazon, Barnes and NobleKaty Books, IndieBound, Books-A-Million or your favorite local bookseller, or in eBook from Kindle, NookGooglePlayKobo,  Apple Books.